Household bills and Finance in Marriage

With Internet security’s continued development and improvement, paying household bills is much easier than it was a few years ago.

Who takes care of the bill payment center at your house? Does it matter who the financial guru is at home? With Internet security’s continued development and improvement, paying household bills is much easier than it was a few years ago. With services such as online auto or automatic bill payment, electronic bill payment, and online payment reminders. Paying a bill online is a breeze.

The question remains: Who takes care of the household finances, the husband or the wife? The obvious answer to the question is whoever is more organized and better with money, but it goes beyond this simple answer. The household finances should be a shared responsibility between both husband and wife. It’s ok to have one person, usually the more organized person, take care of paying bills and budgeting, but both should be involved with the overall process.

Since 50% of all marriages end in divorce and the number one cause of divorce is money, this should be an important job in the family. If the husband takes care of most of the finances, the wife should always be well informed of how much money they have to spend on the family’s debt. A husband can’t expect a wife to control her spending if she doesn’t know they are broke. The same goes for the wife; if she takes care of most of the finances, she should often update the husband on the current financial situation. Men tend to enjoy “toys,” which usually carry a hefty price tag; they need to know if you can’t afford to purchase big-ticket items.

Taking care of household bills and personal finances is a significant burden and responsibility. The couple should share the workload. Keep each other well informed of your current financial situation, and always talk before making any significant purchases. Maybe you can be one of the 50% that stays together!

Importance of Financial Goal Setting

Setting and achieving personal financial goals to achieve long-term financial success is essential. Let your money work for you each month instead of working so hard for your money.

Financial goal setting can be challenging but well worth the rewards you will reap if you are successful. Setting and achieving personal financial goals to achieve long-term financial success is essential. Let your money work for you each month instead of working so hard for your money.

When setting goals, identify and write down your goals. Keep in mind you need to make specific, realistic goals that are attainable. Everyone’s financial situations are different; thus, financial goals will differ. For some people, goals may be focused on getting out of debt, others may be debt free and want to save for a home or car, and others may be ready to focus on retirement goals. Regardless of your life stage, determine your goals and write them down.

Next, break down your goals into three different categories. The first category should include several easy short-term goals which can be attained in 1 year or less. For example, pay off a small credit card balance. The second category should include medium-term goals which can be accomplished in 1 to 3 years. An example might include paying off a car loan or saving to pay cash for a car. Finally, include a few long-term goals that can be accomplished over five years. For example, saving 10,000 toward retirement.

Next, educate yourself and do some significant planning. Since you have your goals written down and sorted into categories, figure out how you will accomplish these goals. If your first goal is to pay off a credit card, you will have to come up with some extra monthly money to pay down the balance. This might include searching for a part-time job or finding extra money in your monthly budget. Research other financial websites, magazines, and publications to get ideas for accomplishing your goals.

It is now important to evaluate yourself and your progress while continuing the process of setting and achieving goals. Give yourself a financial checkup every week, month and year. If you fall short of your original goals, develop a different plan. You won’t be able to achieve your goals overnight, setting and achieving goals is a difficult task that even professionals struggle with. Stay motivated and focused, and you will be successful!

7 Ways to Manage Good and Easy Personal Finances

If you want to be rich, you have to be able to manage your personal finances well! It turns out that it is not complicated to be able to manage finances independently! Follow the method below!

Happy reading!

How to Manage Good Personal Finance is Easy

Everyone certainly hopes to have a significant income, but did you know that the most important thing is that you can enjoy it, right? It’s unfortunate if we have a large salary or income, let’s say above INR 20 million, but our debts and bills are more than 70 percent of our income, and we can’t save or invest.

Any amount of income will not guarantee the welfare of our lives if we do not manage sound personal finances. Even rich people will be stressed and frustrated if they don’t manage their finances and manage their income and expenses.

Financial problems will certainly make your head dizzy, and you can’t sleep. So before financial problems pile up, it’s better to fix one by one simple thing and move on to the next stage. Let’s follow these Seven ways in managing finances that will make your financial life better, even avoiding the trap of consumptive debt.

#1 Have Personal Financial Records

Without personal financial records, we will not be able to manage personal finances properly.

Personal financial records are instrumental. This is an essential step we have to take. If we don’t do this initial step well, even consistently, then our finances will still be messy and not well organized. By recording personal finances, we can track where the money we earn is spent.

In addition, we can find out what expenses we can reduce, or we need to increase the nominal according to need. Recording personal finances can also help design financial goals; we can find our financial strength to achieve our financial goals within a specific period.

For example, suppose we have a financial goal to buy a house with a mortgage of 300 million in the next five years. In that case, we can plan from now on by saving a minimum down payment of 30 percent, which is 90 million for a specific time, according to our financial capabilities.

Besides buying a house, what other financial goals can we achieve? Of course, the first step we have to do is to record personal finances.

#2 Create a Monthly Budget

In creating a monthly personal finance budget, here is a formula that you can use 40-30-20-10, in the form of a division:

  • Allocate 40 percent of your income for daily expenses, such as monthly bill fees, to daily shopping needs.
  • Next, allocate 30 percent of your income to pay off debt installments if you have one.
  • You can allocate 20 percent of your following income for investment savings for a better financial future.
  • Then, 10 percent of your income you allocate to donations, gifts, or charity.

Easy, right?

#3 Manage Expenditures Wisely

This is where the art of managing personal finances comes in. Everyone certainly has their strategy, including you, right?

The first expense we need to pay is taxes or deductions.

Usually, this tax will automatically be deducted from the salary for workers or employees each month to receive a net wage that the cost of paying taxes has deducted.

In addition, deductions for social security for workers have also been paid automatically.

The next expense that needs to be regulated in managing personal finances is donations or charity.

Usually, 5 to 10 percent of the income is received.

Furthermore, to build good financial strength, we need to prioritize savings through investment vehicles.

Saving in the bank alone is not enough. The average amount of interest received in one year is not comparable to the current monthly administrative discount, which is quite large, especially with the inflation rate increasing every year.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to invest through various investment instruments that are very profitable to build a personal finance printer and prepare for a better financial future.

From this investment savings, we can also increase our income by building a business from the investment income.

Thus, we will increase the financial income stream.

#4 Create an Emergency Fund from Investment Savings

An emergency fund is a significant fund to anticipate an emergency or urgent situation not to affect our financial condition.

There are many events or disasters that we cannot predict, so we need to have an emergency fund.

So, where can we collect emergency funds from? Did you know that we can collect emergency funds from investment savings funds?

Already know the number of emergency funds you have to prepare?

  • Usually, you need to collect six times the total expenditure per month for single or unmarried couples.
  • In contrast to those who are married but do not have dependent children. Ideally, they need to raise an emergency fund of 9 times their total monthly expenses.
  • Meanwhile, families with dependent children need to collect an emergency fund of 12 times their total monthly expenses .

#5 Have Health & Life Insurance

There are still many people who do not understand the usefulness and importance of having insurance.

They feel a loss because they have paid for insurance so far but have never received the benefits.

The question is: does anyone want to get sick or experience bad things? Insurance is used as an umbrella to protect us from rain or the scorching heat.

We don’t know when the rain will come, but we need to be prepared and on guard, correct?

Herein lies the importance of health and life insurance where we need to have it!

There are many benefits of having insurance, including:

  1. The insurance premiums we pay can pay for treatment or care.
  2. The insurance premiums we pay can protect assets and prevent loss of assets and debt.
  3. The insurance premiums we pay can replace installment payments and debts
  4. Increase funds for family needs.
  5. Can focus on healing

#6 Pay Debt or Installment

If you have debts or installments, prioritize them first to pay them off one by one.

To get accurate advice and solutions to get out of debt that binds you and makes it difficult for you to sleep, immediately contacts my Financial Planning Consultant that you can rely on!

Did you know that hiring the services of a financial planner or financial consultant is very expensive?

But, no need to drain your wallet just by subscribing to the Financial Application for one year at a subscription price of Rp. 350 thousand/year, you can consult with a Certified Financial Consultant and get the right solution on managing personal finances and how to get rid of confusing debts.

#7 Avoid Consumptive Debt

Consumer debt will make your wallet tighter. However, financial planners and financial experts agree that consumer debt is not recommended.

On the other hand, productive debt can increase your income; for example, you borrow some money for business capital from the bank or make a vehicle loan where the vehicle is used to work or make money.


Managing Personal Finance is Easy & Fun

It turns out that managing personal finances is fun and not complicated, right!

Keeping track of personal finances is not complicated, you know! We can be assisted with financial recording application services and apps, many of which are free.

These apps make it easier for us to record daily finances. Not only taking notes, but this application can also help calculate the costs that must be collected per month to achieve a financial goal.

We can also consult with a Certified Financial Planner. So don’t forget to immediately record expenses and income transactions that occur at the same time, so you don’t forget to register or miss them.