Get Rich Investing In The Stock Market For Your Grandchildren

We experience highs and lows in the stock market, just as we experience highs and lows in the real estate market.

It’s slow and methodical, but you can get rich investing in the stock market. You must do your homework, understand the stock market, and monitor your stocks or the companies they represent. That is a tall order, some folks do it and it has shown proven results, others don’t and they sell before their stocks make money.

Over A Long Period Of Time

Over a long period of time, the stock market has been a good investment. The average return has been about 6%, but that adds up over time. Be aware of the reasons the stock market bombed in the past, and that should help you choose your stocks and understand the behavior of the market at specific times.Get rich investing in the stock market for your grandchildren 1

During the depression, we did not have unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other safeguards to keep money circulating during financial crises, during the stock market crash of 1987, we did not have proper stock trading stops in place to help guard against a crash, and during the start of the internet dot-com companies hype took over all reason and many people lost money purchasing companies that had no history, no money or expertise behind them. After the 1987 crash, for those who stayed in, many of their stocks recovered in about three years.

The Best Stocks For Amateurs

The best stocks for amateurs to research are large companies with an excellent history and good management. If it is growing slowly and has a lot of cash behind it, it could be paying dividends that will help your portfolio until products get to market. If you are an amateur, seeking a stock specialist’s advice may help you understand the stock market.

Researching Your Stock

The Internet has made it easy to research stocks and track them. Most of the major portals have stock and other investment research. Most of the research is free.

Monitoring Your Stock

At least once a month, read the news about your company, ask your broker to give you research reports if you cannot search the internet, and understand what type of stock you have and its fundamentals. Any stock can change over time, especially if another company purchases it or a major product stops selling.

Only Time Will Tell

Sit back and relax. If you have a quality company, growth takes time if the company is well-balanced and well-managed. Our recent run-up in home prices came as a 20-30 year high, depending on the area of the country you were in.

We experience highs and lows in the stock market, just as we experience highs and lows in the real estate market. You must understand why the highs and lows are occurring, so you don’t make a mistake and buy or sell at the wrong time.

Why You Should Always Pay Yourself First

You’ve heard it over and over again: Pay yourself first.  Why is this so important?

You’ve heard it over and over again: Pay yourself first.  Why is this so important?  First, it establishes good saving habits.  If you continuously pay yourself first, despite whatever is going on in your life at that time, you will be much more likely to achieve your goals.

Second, the power of compounding.  Sometimes called the 8th wonder of the world, the power of compounding is truly remarkable.  The best way to explain this concept is to show you an example:

Person 1 invests $2,000 per year beginning at age 19 and ending at age 27.  Person 2 invests $2,000 per year beginning at age 27 and continues to invest until retirement age. Assuming the same rate of return (10 percent) in each of the two examples, a person who invests early and for just eight years will have more money at 65 years old than someone who starts late and invests for nearly 40 years.

Example 1: Example 2:
Age Annual Investment Year-End Value Annual Investment Year-End Value
19 $ 2,000 $2,200 $ 0 $ 0
20 $ 2,000 $4,620 $ 0 $ 0
21 $ 2,000 $7,282 $ 0 $ 0
22 $ 2,000 $10,210 $ 0 $ 0
23 $ 2,000 $13,431 $ 0 $ 0
24 $ 2,000 $ 16,974 $ 0 $ 0
25 $ 2,000 $ 20,872 $ 0 $ 0
26 $ 2,000 $ 25,159 $ 0 $ 0
27 $ 0 $ 27,675 $2,000 $2,200
28 $ 0 $ 30,442 $2,000 $4,620
29 $ 0 $33,487 $2,000 $7,282
30 $ 0 $36,835 $2,000 $10,210
31 $ 0 $40,519 $2,000 $13,431
32 $ 0 $44,571 $2,000 $16,974
33 $ 0 $49,028 $2,000 $20,872
34 $ 0 $53,931 $2,000 $25,159
35 $ 0 $59,324 $2,000 $29,875
36 $ 0 $65,256 $2,000 $35,062
37 $ 0 $71,782 $2,000 $40,769
38 $ 0 $78,960 $2,000 $47,045
39 $ 0 $86,856 $2,000 $53,950
40 $ 0 $95,541 $2,000 $61,545
41 $ 0 $105,095 $2,000 $69,899
42 $ 0 $115,605 $2,000 $79,089
43 $ 0 $127,165 $2,000 $89,198
44 $ 0 $139,882 $2,000 $100,318
45 $ 0 $153,870 $2,000 $112,550
46 $ 0 $169,257 $2,000 $126,005
47 $ 0 $186,183 $2,000 $140,805
48 $ 0 $204,801 $2,000 $157,086
49 $ 0 $225,281 $2,000 $174,995
50 $ 0 $247,809 $2,000 $194,694
51 $ 0 $272,590 $2,000 $216,364
52 $ 0 $299,849 $2,000 $240,200
53 $ 0 $329,834 $2,000 $266,420
54 $ 0 $362,818 $2,000 $295,262
55 $ 0 $399,100 $2,000 $326,988
56 $ 0 $439,010 $2,000 $361,887
57 $ 0 $482,910 $2,000 $400,276
58 $ 0 $531,202 $2,000 $442,503
59 $ 0 $584,322 $2,000 $488,953
60 $ 0 $642,754 $2,000 $540,049
61 $ 0 $707,029 $2,000 $596,254
62 $ 0 $777,732 $2,000 $658,079
63 $ 0 $855,505 $2,000 $726,087
64 $ 0 $941,056 $2,000 $800,896
65 $ 0 $1,035,161 $,2000 $883,185
Less $ invested ($16,000) ($78,000)
$1,019,161 $805,185
Money increased 64 fold 10 fold

Need I repeat it?  Pay yourself first, and start early!

Another Look at Risk Tolerance

After all the pain caused by market volatility over the past year, how much have we learned about our risk tolerance? We know we’re much happier when the stock market is going up rather than down. We probably realized our portfolios were too risky back in 2020 and wish we had made different choices back then. But how many of us have assessed our risk tolerance and made portfolio choices based on that assessment?

You are trying to assess your emotional tolerance for risk or how much price volatility you are comfortable with. Some questions that can help you gauge that risk tolerance include:

What long-term rate of return do you expect on your investments?

This will help you determine the types of investments needed to meet that target. Review historical rates of return over a long time period to see if your estimates are reasonable. High return expectations can cause you to invest in asset classes you aren’t comfortable with or that you may be tempted to sell frequently. A better alternative may be to lower your expectations and invest in assets you are comfortable owning.

What length of time are you investing for?

Some investments, such as stocks, should only be purchased for long time horizons. Using them for short-term purposes may increase the risk in your portfolio since you may be forced to sell during a market downturn.

How long are you willing to sustain a loss before selling?

The market declines of the past three years will indicate how comfortable you are holding investments with losses.

What types of investments do you own now, and how comfortable are you with those investments?

Ensure you understand the basics of any investments you own, including the historical rate of return, the largest one-year loss, and the risks to which the investment is subject. If you don’t understand an investment or are not comfortable owning it, you may be tempted to sell at an inopportune time. Over time, your comfort level with risk should increase as your understanding of how risk impacts different investments increases.

Ensuring your investments are compatible with your risk tolerance is an important component of your investment strategy.

Tips to take care of your personal finances

When we talk about personal finances, we refer to the management of the economic resources you have, with an eye on future planning.

The financial risks, the goals, the savings instruments, and the net worth that you have available are the aspects that you must consider to organize your money.Tips to take care of your personal finances 2Tips to take care of your personal finances 3

Personal finances must be understood as a professional matter because we often make the mistake of seeing personal expenses as something of little importance. However, they are an area of our lives that we should tread carefully since our future depends on them.

The last thing we want is not to reach our goals or lose money in the face of any emergency, no matter how small.

But, how should you take care of your personal finances? Here are some tips to get you started:

➡️ Save and Invest Your Money

Tips to take care of your personal finances 4Tips to take care of your personal finances 5Saving is crucial for the conservation of one’s finances. One of the most effective ways to save is to keep at least 10% of your total income per month.

But, the key is also to invest. The money saved only keeps its value if the interest rate acquired is higher than the inflation rate.

Investing money is an excellent way to make your capital profitable and save it more effectively since it won’t lose real value with time.

➡️ Only keep assets that increase in value.

Most assets lose value over time, such as cars or appliances. To maintain your financial health so that the numbers do not get out of control, try to keep only those assets that increase their value.

Personal financesThese assets might be stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments or be subject to increases in price thanks to inflation. If we have one of these goods that increase in price over time, in the long run, if we decide to sell the good, we will make a profit.

Gold is an excellent hedge for inflation, to put a clear example. GLD is an ETF we normally recommend.

➡️ Use your credit card wisely.

Cards are a good financial resource if they are taken advantage of and used well.

Take advantage of your credit cards for those purchases that allow you to pay in installments without interest. For example, when buying some furniture for your home.Tips to take care of your personal finances 6

Try to look at the number of installments and the corresponding value and make sure that your personal finances allow you to assume that debt each month. On the other hand, we also advise you to learn to read the account statement, so you understand each of the concepts detailed.

The important thing is that you are regularly checking your expenses and available credit limits.

Never use your card as extra money, as it is a financing instrument that includes a price for using it (interest).

Trading and Forex Brokers for Beginners

Forex” is derived from foreign exchange, is also used the term FX Market. “Foreign Exchange” is the buying of one currency and selling of another simultaneously through forex brokers.

Currencies are traded in pairs, for example, Euro / US Dollar (EUR / USD) or U.S. Dollar / Japanese Yen (USDJPY). FX MarketFX Exchange – is considered a market “over the counter” (OTC). Transactions are carried out either by telephone or by electronic networks. Unlike stocks or futures markets, forex trading is not centralized on an exchange.

You may have heard a lot of buzz recently about online forex trading but what exactly is an online forex broker? If you’re looking to get involved in international trading on your own, forex trading may be a great place for you to start because it is simple, global, and practically always available.

Forex brokers for beginners provide traders a Forex trading platform – an application, a working environment, where the trader buys and sells currencies, dealing online – in other words, he speculates to make money on the difference of currency rates.

Who trades currencies, and why?

Daily volume on the currency market comes from two sources:

  • Foreign trade (5%). Companies buy and sell items from/to abroad and convert profits from foreign trade into their own currency.
  • Speculation for profit (95%).

Most speculators focus on the most traded / liquid currency pairs, called “The majors – major. Today, more than 85% of daily transactions involve trading of major currencies, including the U.S. Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar.
The Forex market is the most traded world market, with transactions 24 hours a day.

Certain parts of the world have part of their Saturday to trade, as it’s still Friday in other markets. Financial institutions in these countries may be dealing with the Forex market during their work hours, the Forex market is open and trading 24 hours, 5 days a week.

With an average daily trading volume of over 3.2 billion U.S. dollars, the forex market is traded in world markets. Open 24 hours from 24, started trading on the FOREX market every day in Sydney, and moves around the globe depending on the opening day in each financial center, first to Tokyo, then London and New York.

Unlike other financial markets, investors (speculators Forex) can respond to currency fluctuations caused by economic events, social and political, which would occur anytime – day or night.

It doesn’t take a large initial investment, and it doesn’t take any special training (although making yourself more knowledgeable is helpful!) and these are two of the reasons it is becoming more popular and gaining more attention. Using some of the most popular and easy-to-understand forex systems, a person can trade directly with real live forex markets, without the intervening middle-man influencing decisions.

One of the most popular methods in recent years is the use of Expert Advisor software (also known as “EAs,” “Electronic Advisors,” or “Robot traders”). This software is programmed to monitor the market for specific movements and conditions set by the user, then used to capture market opportunities. The most exciting thing about being your own online forex broker is that regardless of market conditions – whether the market is rising (“Bullish”) or falling (“Bearish”) an individual still has the potential to make a profit.

This huge, influential market allows for unlimited profit potential because it is based on market movement alone, not on positive or negative conditions specifically. So this means that as long as an individual is monitoring the movement of the market that person has the potential to make profits. Check this blackbull markets review  to understand how a broker that cares for beginners in forex investment can be beneficial to your career as a forex trader.

Traditional Online Forex Broker

If you choose to use a traditional brokerage firm, which would act on your behalf and according to your direction when trading in the forex market, you will develop a relationship with an advisor or money manager. He or she is the contact go-between for you (the client) and the market and will watch the market very closely for price levels. Then, the advisor will execute your orders based on the direction you give them. It must be remembered that in this type of situation, the advisor cannot act to engage in trades with your money of their own accord and would have to have clearance from you to do so, and this also makes you solely responsible for the outcome of the trade.

When you’re beginning to find out more about being an online forex broker, you may be afraid that your EA software won’t be used properly, or that you might miss some valuable opportunities. Many people have the tendency to look at these situations as “mistakes” and can begin to second-guess what their software tells them, or the signals that they receive in regards to the parameters they set up for the software. The truth is, it is virtually impossible to “win” every trade, so even a trade that loses money can be seen as valuable if it increases your confidence in your software, or teaches you something about how to set the parameters of the software to your benefit.

The fact is, only 5% of all traders achieve the goal of being consistent with their profits, and that average is established by looking at both the high and the lows of trading. Learn from your mistakes, and don’t see these experiences as “failures” but instead, for what they are – chances to learn more and do better next time. The only real “mistake” would be to ignore the signals of your EA entirely. If you begin to second guess your own system, the entire thing can unravel.

The foreign exchange market began with the need to convert payments received in foreign currency to home currency, and an online forex broker helps large banks, small companies, and investors around the globe do this quickly and efficiently. This is why the market is available virtually all day, every day. The market is the most “fluid” (or “liquid”) because it is not based on “real money” and its value. Instead, it is based on the exchange rate between currencies with the purpose of cashing in on the value change between those currencies.

A currency speculator (someone who estimates the values and attempts to foresee what they will do) can benefit from endless trading opportunities because the number of members involved in forex trading is so high, the volume of money is so vast, and there is virtually no end to the demand. Currently, the daily transactions are reported to be in the trillions, meaning that a large amount of money flowing, and the solid foundation of the exchange, have created the forex market as an asset class of its own – not subject to the same troubles as “real world” commodities.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming an online forex broker, it is wise to conduct additional research and learn all you can before dipping your toe in the market with an initial investment. Although it does not require any special training or certification, it is a fast-paced and constantly moving market, and having some initial knowledge will give you the advantage over other novices. If you have worked with an advisor or money manager before and have some knowledge of the basics, a good piece of advice to begin in your own investment portfolio is to start out speculating and becoming intimately familiar with two particular currencies and their exchanges and rates.

Once you have become a bit of an expert at those currencies, you can begin to expand and see what other currencies and foreign exchange rates seem to perform well and deserve your time, attention, and investment. It may take some time to become the successful online forex broker that you dream of, but with a little work and determination, you can make it be the most profitable investment in your life.

Take profit: examples of profit taking on the stock exchange

What is profit-taking on the stock exchange?

In simple words, it is an exit from the current profitable transaction. While the transaction (position) is open, the profit on it is floating, it changes depending on the fluctuations of the quote. When a trader closes a trade, the profit is fixed.

Profit-taking in trading is the most pleasant process when, after closing a transaction, the balance increases due to the fact that floating profit is transferred to it as the financial result of the transaction. This scheme is the same in different markets. Profit-taking on stocks, futures, and cryptocurrencies occurs similarly.

At the same time, it is important to note that a trader can fix a floating profit both with the help of a take profit order (automatically) and manually.

What is take profit in trading?

This is a pending order that must be executed when the market price reaches a certain level. When this happens, a market order is sent to the exchange, which is directed against an open position, which leads to its closure.

For example. You have a long position open on the oil market, yesterday you bought it at 40.00. Today the price fluctuates around 41.00. You send a take profit to the broker at 42.00. This means that if the quote reaches 42.00 tomorrow, a market order for sale will be sent to the exchange. Thus, the take profit will work, your contracts will be sold, the position will be closed, and you will fix the profit from the transaction.

How can take profit be calculated?

In the most general case, there are 2 ways:

  • Mathematical. In this case, take profit is calculated according to formulas and proportions. For example, a trader sets a stop loss for 10 ticks. Then he can set a take profit for 15 or 20 ticks. Then the ratio of profit to risk will be 1:1.5 or 1:2 (excluding commissions). This is a rational ratio that you can work with.
  • Discretionary. In this case, the trader conducts an analysis, the purpose of which is to identify where it is better to set a take profit.

One of the effective ways is to use the volume analysis and functionality of the ATAS platform to track the activity of large market participants, and then come to a logical conclusion where to put take profit.

What is the difference between a take profit and a stop loss?

These are two very similar pending orders, they are both waiting for their time. In order for them to activate, you need a condition – the price reaches a certain level. Then they are triggered as triggers and send market orders to the exchange opposite to the open position, which leads to its closure.

An important difference is that a stop loss fixes a loss (so that it does not reach catastrophic proportions), a take profit fixes a profit.

There are still some differences between take profits and stop losses. It is believed that:

  • Take profits slow down the market, and stop losses accelerate the market;
  • Take profits are often placed before important levels, stop losses are placed behind important levels

How to set a take profit?

Take profit can be set:

  • during the opening of a position or after its opening;
  • manually or automatically;

There are defensive strategies in the ATAS trading platform. There you can set up a take profit so that it will be set automatically together with the opening of a position at a given distance.Atas trading platform

How to set take profit

What happens when a large number of taking profits are triggered?

At the points where a large number of taking profits are triggered, the market slows down.

For example, large traders are in purchases. They placed take profits below an important peak. When the price reaches the take profit level, sell orders begin to enter the market to close previously opened purchases. As a result, the uptrend may slow down, or even reverse. Because of this, sometimes there are ”shortfalls” of the price to the previous important levels.

Where are take profits often placed?

A popular place to place take profits is a price zone located near some important level, but not reaching it.Setting stop loss

Where to place take profits

Sellers at point 1 are likely to place their stop losses for the previous high. And buyers at point 2 are likely to place their take profits before the previous high.

Another place to place take profits may be the levels at which stop losses are presumably set. Then stop losses will be reduced to take profits.Taking profits

Where to place Profit Taking

Take profits placed in this way to have increased profit potential, but also a lower probability of execution.

When taking profits and stop losses are triggered massively, you can see a noticeable drop in open interest.Taking profits

How Profit Taking works

What do we see in the picture above? When the previous low was broken, a large number of market sales were sent to the market (this is evidenced by the red clusters). Obviously, numerous stop-losses of buyers have been triggered. Some of them were combined with the sellers’ take profits.

As a result, we are seeing a sharp drop in open interest, which indicates the exit of a large number of traders from the market.

Principles of Profit Taking

The general principle that will help in using take profit is“ “Cut losses, and let profits grow.”

The first part of this principle refers to the ”brother” of take profit – stop loss.

Stop loss should be clearly limited, and if the market goes against your position, then losses should be cut without regret, closing a losing trade. Sitting out losses, hoping for a price return, or emotionally averaging an open position, while also increasing the volume– is the way to lose the deposit. Losses need to be cut at the lowest possible level.

The second part of this principle already directly concerns take profit.

Place the take profit in such a way that the profit has the opportunity to grow. You need to give the market the opportunity to move in the direction of your transaction.

It is desirable that the take profit exceeds the stop loss several times. Give the market time to bring you a significant profit, set take profit at sufficiently remote levels.

Learn the trailing stop technique. This is a method of tracking a successful transaction, in which the trader moves the stop loss following the price going in his direction. So the trader protects the achieved profit, but does not limit the potential for its further growth.

Of course, there are different trading systems for exiting trades, but the main principle “cut losses and let profits grow” has passed the test of time and has been used by many well-known traders.


Correct profit taking is very important in trading. So don’t forget that:

Take profit (exit from a trade with a profit) should be clearly described in the trading system, and its effectiveness should be tested on history;

Indicators for volume analysis in the ATAS trading platform help to find levels for effective take profit setting;

It is desirable to set a take profit according to the general principle“ “Cut losses, and let profits grow.”

5 Qualities Essential For a Successful Stock Trader

All of us who venture into the stock market should possess certain basic qualities that will help us to be successful in trading. Without any exception, everyone who ventures into stock trading is interested in making some quick money. Here are some basic qualities that you must have to be a successful trader.


First, you should be patient with yourself and give yourself some time to learn the basics of stock investing. Many people when they begin their stock trading career, they try to plunge into it immediately in their enthusiasm to make money. However, by doing this you will be subjecting yourself to great financial risks.

Accept Losses

Secondly, when you enter into stock market, you are bound to make some wrong decisions in the beginning and this should not discourage you. Loss in the beginning is inevitable and you should be mentally prepared for it only then, you will be able to survive in this field. You must always keep long-term profit in mind. Even if you make a wrong decision in a particular instance, you will be able to make up for the loss at a later stage.


Thirdly, you must never get to your trading desk without making thorough stock market research. You will have to be faithful to your market research daily. Lot of things could have happened when you closed the previous day and get back to your trading desk the next day morning. If you do not keep yourself informed of the latest developments in the market, your decisions for that day will not be sound stock investment decisions.

Speculation is the key to stock trading. However, speculation should be based on statistics and other facts. Any speculation that does not take into consideration factual details will only be random speculation and this will not help you in the long run. The prevailing market trends should guide your decisions.


The next important quality for a successful stock trader is discipline. It is everyone’s weakness to give in to the temptation to wait longer to see a greater profit. But decisions that are postponed will push you to unnecessary loss. On the other hand, you must be content with your reasonable profit. To avoid loss, once you reach the cut-off that you set for yourself you must sell those stocks. This applies to day trading in particular.

Don’t Panic

Yet another crucial quality required is the ability to think clearly in the midst of stressful trading day. The market can be highly volatile and in the beginning when you see the stocks being so volatile you will tend to panic. Once you give into your fear, you will tend to make hasty decisions hoping to save the loss. If you give yourself some time, you will see the market stabilizing itself. You must not make investment decisions or selling decisions when you are tensed. Such decisions will often be faulty decisions because your reasoning faculty is no more supporting your decision-making efforts.

These are some of the essential qualities that will set you apart as a successful trader in this field.

Pharmaceutical companies today

The COVID-19 pandemic has given a strong impetus to the development of many pharmaceutical companies. Consider who has succeeded in their development more than others and which companies should be adopted.

Anti-covid cocktail drives record revenue for Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals is an American biotechnology company founded in 1988. The most commercially successful product of the company is the anti-covid “cocktail” of REGEN-COV antibodies, which US ex-President Donald Trump used to treat the coronavirus.

As a representative of Regeneron said earlier, the US government has already purchased up to 1.5 million doses of the drug, and it is provided free of charge to patients. In the first half of 2021, Regeneron sold REGEN-COV doses totaling $ 2.85 billion (37.2% of total revenue) without a full-fledged regulatory license. REGN shares have gained 69.27% ​​since December 31, 2019, while the S&P 500 is up 36.2%, and the industry average S&P 500 Healthcare is up 32.05%.

The stock is recommended to buy with a target price of $ 755.02, which implies a 15% upside potential.

Axsome Therapeutics shares jump 19%

Axsome Therapeutics, a biotech company that develops new treatments for central nervous system diseases, jumped 19.06% in a New York premarket.

The company said on Monday that it had received a response from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that a new application for a depressive disorder drug (AXS-05) would not be completed by the target date of August 22, 2021.

However, the FDA did not request additional information from Axsome; the application is ongoing.

Shares closed 8.29% higher on Friday.

Trillium Shares soar 190% after news of merger with Pfizer

Trillium and Pfizer announced that the companies have entered into a definitive agreement under which Pfizer will acquire Trillium, which develops innovative cancer treatments. Under the terms of the agreement, Pfizer will acquire all outstanding Trillium shares not yet owned by Pfizer for $ 2.26 billion, or $ 18.50 per share.

This represents a 118% premium to Trillium’s 60-day weighted average share price.

Trillium possesses the only known targeting molecule, SIRPα – CD47, with clinically significant responses to monotherapy and a solid basis for combination therapy, supported by preclinical data with diverse therapeutic agents. With Pfizer’s global reach and capabilities, programs will move faster to patients.


The world is turning into a large technology hub as people are getting more and more inclined to using advanced technology. As a result, tech industries are flourishing with a rate of growth that is increasing day by day as new inventions are taking place every day. It is increasing the interest among the investors to invest in the stocks and benefit from it. The researchers are confident that the tech industry would be top of the market for the next 50 to more years. The following are the top tech stocks that can be bought today on 8th July 2021.

Newgen Software Technologies
Current Price: US$709.20
Market Cap: $4,961.26B

Newgen Software is a globally recognized provider of Low Code Automation Platform for Digital Transformation. The company has been recognized by distinguished analyst firms including Gartner, Forrester, Frost and Sullivan, and IDC. It has been positioned in the Magic Quadrants for Intelligent Business Process Management (iBPM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Customer Communication Management (CCM), and BPM-Platform-Based Case Management frameworks.

Moschip Tech
Current Price: US$40.95
Market Cap: $647.29

MosChip is a semiconductor and system design company with a focus on Turnkey ASICs, Mixed Signal IP, Semiconductor & Product Engineering, and IoT solutions catering to Aerospace & Defence, Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Medical, and Networking & Telecommunications.

Current Price: US$72.05
Market Cap: $184.74

MindTech Solutions is an IT firm focusing on delivering high-quality Business Solutions to our clients in achieving accelerated results efficiently and cost-effectively with a competitive edge of unbeatable service. Their services are fine-tuned with our client’s execution of immediate and long-term business Strategies. Their service suite comprises a wide range of processes from Legacy Re-Engineering, Customized business solutions, innovative E-Commerce solutions, Creative Graphics & Visuals.

GSS Infotech
Current Price: US$67.60
Market Cap: $114.49

GSS Infotech is a pioneer in applying innovative, technology-based solutions to common business problems. They help organizations leverage the power of Virtualization, “The Cloud” and outsourced models of technology services delivery. Utilizing these technologies, and also help organizations gain a competitive advantage, reduce costs, ensure system stability, and improve efficiency. Specializing in Remote Infrastructure Management Services, Virtualization solutions, and Application Management Services, GSS is a partner of choice for Infrastructure optimization solutions worldwide.

Global space Tech
Current Price: US$63.75
Market Cap: $73.04

GlobalSpace Technologies Ltd. operates as an ICT company, providing cutting-edge enterprise mobility solutions and Digital Consulting primarily focusing on Field Force Enhancement. The management team of GlobalSpace consists of pioneers from both Pharma and IT industry thus providing world-class Field Force Enhancement solutions and becoming the leading choice for Indian Pharma.

Investing in cryptocurrencies is it worth it?

There is hardly a week that the topic of investing in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or others does not come up in a conversation. Sometimes because they go up meteorically and others because they go down. There are opinions for all tastes.

Personally, I believe that we cannot ignore crypto assets or Bitcoin as if they did not exist. It would be a kind of denial of reality. It is a new type of asset, but one that falls within alternative investments. And as such, it can have a place in a portfolio to de-correlate, but for other reasons as well.

Investing in cryptocurrencies for the long term. My point of view

In my opinion, I think anyone could consider investing in cryptocurrencies for the long term. Obviously, not as a core investment asset of a portfolio, but as a complement or satellite investment.

As we have seen these weeks and in other moments, cryptocurrencies are a very volatile asset. Do not suitable for all audiences. Or of course, not suitable for a significant amount of money within our heritage.

But you can invest in cryptocurrencies with little money. For a $100,000 portfolio let’s say 1-5%. Depending on the ability to take risks and personal circumstances, I think that is the range of capital that I would assign to an estate of that amount. Each particular case would have to be seen.

If it goes wrong. Nothing that the global investment strategy sinks you. And if it goes well. Certainly, an asset to add alpha to the portfolio in the long term.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies

You have to look for a reliable and safe intermediary. With many users. Where you can contrast opinions and references of other people who have invested through these platforms.

The key, as always, is to diversify. Cryptocurrencies are still an unregulated asset, which is still surrounded by a lot of uncertainty. And when I talk about diversifying, I don’t just mean investing in different digital currencies. I also think about investing in 2 or 3 different brokerage platforms. Which can be brokers or directly specialized cryptocurrency platforms. I give you some examples.

Coinbase is perhaps the best-known platform, for having made the leap to the markets and starting to trade on the Nasdaq. It is one of the largest platforms. The volume of digital currencies traded on this platform is skyrocketing. Some say that you can end up dying of success. And the experiences of some clients have not been very good lately, due to the great collapse of new account openings that they have suffered recently. For that reason, it is not strange to read some bad opinions.

EToro –  If you are in Spain then an eToro ad is almost ubiquitous on YouTube video. They come on at all hours. This is a very popular platform for buying and selling stocks at zero cost, but also for trading cryptocurrencies. Personally, it is not the one I like the most. I prefer other more specialized ones.

Bitpanda – those who know about these new alternative investments say that Bitpanda is one of the best platforms to invest in cryptocurrencies, due to its reliability and security. It is by the way also, one of the platforms in which you can invest in precious metals with physical support. Not just annotation.Bitpanda investing in cryptocurrencies

Most cryptocurrency exchanges are preparing for the future leap to payments and have begun to offer cards with which to use digital currencies on a day-to-day basis.

And well, I could list many more cryptocurrency platforms or brokers such as Binance, Kraken, Bit2me, etc. There are quite a few wallets and exchanges. Here the key you have to look at is the differential between supply and demand that each applies. And then I would look at security a lot. Although that also depends on you as a user. But every time, news of robberies of digital currency warehouses is read. So be careful with passwords and security protocols.

Disadvantages of investing in cryptocurrencies

One of the worst things about any of the 6,000 digital currencies that you can invest in today is that you cannot calculate a fair value for it. Because they do not generate future flows. They are not backed by anything. They cannot be used (yet) in our day-to-day operations. It is simply the supply and demand that sets prices. That, and the tweets of an influential person. See Elon Musk.

This aspect makes cryptocurrencies a kind of long-term lottery ticket. Hence, yet another reason to diversify into different crypto assets.

It is not yet known how they will be regulated. If a digital currency has a virtue, it is that it is out of the control of central banks and traditional financial circuits. But that also makes them attractive as a hiding place for money from illicit activities.

It will end up being regulated, I’m sure. Regulatory development always lags behind innovation. At the time that money laundering control rules are put in place, it is regulated how to tax the profits in the sale of cryptocurrencies and the rest of legal varnishes, it will be one more asset, in which, probably, investment funds and others collective investment systems, can enter in a generalized way. And it will no longer be such an alternative market. Something that can happen in the next 3-5 years.

It is also unclear whether central banks will end up imposing their digital currencies ahead of Bitcoin, Ethereum and many others that have emerged from private initiatives. Some more serious than others. There is the risk, but also the opportunity. That is why I believe that investing in cryptocurrencies now that they have collapsed is a good time to sow for the future. The key: investing little money and diversification in every way.